As we grow more advanced, we are focusing more attention on cleanliness. These days, keeping yourhome clean and germ-free helps not only increase your productivity but also keep you healthy.

We all know that health and surroundings are key aspects of our lives. Our surroundings determine the quality of our health. An unmaintained environment can be harmful to anyone.

It is clear that we can protect ourselves and our environment from diseases if we live a healthy lifestyle. Thus, there are many companies that offer deep cleaning services for cleaning the areas.

Following is the checklist that most deep cleaning services follow:

Top to bottom deep cleaning

Top to Bottom Cleaning is a deep cleaning process that encompasses the usual cleaning work that cleaners perform plus much more. The professional cleaners concentrate on cleaning the surfaces in your home.

Cleaning the surfaces with soap and water is the first step to removing dirt and stains. Tiles and sinks in the kitchen, tabletop surfaces, and toilet bowls are included in the top to bottom cleaning.

Top-to-bottom cleaning includes once a month, of disinfecting sinks, tiles, and bowls with bleach. In addition to disinfecting commonly touched areas, you should also disinfect telephones, remote controls, touch screens, tabletops, countertops, faucets, toilet flush handles, garbage bin handles, and fridge handles.

Cobweb removing

Remove from Curtains or Blinds

cobweb removalWith a vacuum, you can easily remove cobwebs from curtains. Strong suction can easily remove those sticky webs. Your curtains are no longer encrusted with cobwebs when you turn on the vacuum.

Try setting your vacuum on a chair or stool if the hose or attachments are shorter.

Remove Cobwebs with a Broom

It is not difficult to remove those creepy cobwebs from the ceiling with a broom. You can protect your walls against blind scratches by wrapping a rag around your hard-bristled broom’s bottom. You can use a mop instead of a broom if the surface is clean and dry.

Use a Static Duster

Consider investing in a static duster. They’re great for removing icky, sticky cobwebs. They’re also washable and reusable, so you can clean cobwebs on a regular basis while remaining environmentally conscious. When cleaning the ceiling fan, use caution.

Fan Cleaning

Ceiling fans are the most commonly used appliance in every Indian home. The country’s tropical weather necessitates its excessive use, with fans spinning 24 hours a day during the summer months. It adds a sense of freshness, airiness, and comfort to the room.

Fan cleaning

Whenever there is a problem with the ceiling fans’ proper operation. The only thing we do is go out and purchase a new high-speed ceiling fan to replace the old ones.

But did you know that neglecting to keep your ceiling fans clean can cause them to slow down or stop working altogether? Yes, dust, dirt, and grease can clog your ceiling fans and render them inoperable.

Every appliance requires maintenance and deep cleaning at regular intervals. If a ceiling fan is not cleaned properly, it can cause humming noises, wobbling, and motor failure.

What could be accomplished with minimal effort will later necessitate spending twice as much money if the fan becomes completely dysfunctional. Thus, before the blades become clogged with dirt and you experience a wave of dust when turning on the fan, it is preferable to clean them with simple solutions.

Storage internal / external Cleaning

Every home has several storage spaces which can be books, files, clothes, etc. While cleaning we miss these storage spaces, and it remains dirty. But deep cleaning professionals know the importance of deep cleaning and they clean every minor detail and space to provide a reliable cleaning experience.

The storage spaces may include furniture, cupboards, beds, etc. and the service provider cleans these storage spaces internally and externally. 

Windows cleaning

window cleaning

Cleaning the windows on a regular basis helps to prevent scratches and pitting caused by dirt, debris, and other contaminants that can coat the glass.

Dirt and grime collect readily on windows that cause damage over time that may need window replacement. Your windows will last longer if you keep them clean.

Depending on the number of windows the staff required to clean windows is decided and a dusting of window sills and blinds, cleaning shutters, and cleaning of channels for sliding windows are the scope of work followed while doing a deep cleaning. It is sometimes called Middle area cleaning 

Windows fitting Cleaning 

While performing deep cleaning, windows cleaning is performed but it is not sufficient to clean the window, over time the window fitting stores dust and dirt which needs to be cleaned to prolong the life of the window. 

Electrical fitting cleaning

Every home, office, or commercial place has electrical machinery and to operate that machinery it has electrical switches, electrical boards, and connections. Deep cleaning makes sure that all the electrical sockets and fittings must get cleaned.

Corners and skirting cleaning

Skirting board on a wall damaged by mold.

If your home’s corners and skirting boards are looking worn, there are several ways to deep clean them without damaging the paintwork or material used.

There are various ways in which you can clean skirting but the most professional deep cleaning services use dusting and vacuuming.

Kitchen cleaning

Deep cleaning

Your kitchen may quickly become dirty, from cooking messes to crumbs and spills, especially if you live a hectic lifestyle. When grime and grease build up in your kitchen, it’s time to give it a thorough cleaning. Kitchen Cleaning includes cleaning the fridge, oven, gas storage, etc.



Floor cleaning

If the flooring is frequently neglected, it may result in serious workplace mishaps for the employees. Employee morale will suffer as a result, as will client dissatisfaction. Clean office flooring creates a comfortable and secure working environment for employees.

Washroom cleaning

Toilet cleaning

Toilets are high-risk areas for poor hygiene and cross-contamination. Having a specific routine cleaning schedule for your washrooms as part of your overall daily cleaning is critical to maintaining a high level of cleanliness.



Here is what you need to know:

Hygiene standards –

Establish cleanliness standards for your washroom and ensure that your employees are fully aware of the hygiene standards in place.

Washroom cleaning checklist –

A daily cleaning routine should be developed and assigned to a cleaner, and should include all areas of the washroom, such as the sink area, toilet, flooring to remove dirt, grime, and grout, as well as restocking of washroom products such as toilet paper, hand towels, and handwashing products.

Call in the Experts –

Maintain high hygiene standards in your commercial washroom by scheduling regular professional deep cleaning and disinfection. 

Washbasin pot

Despite our desire to believe that our drains are sparkling clean, the reality is often quite different. Your sink is one of the most bacteria-filled things in your home, aside from dish sponges and cell phones!

Mold and bacteria, however, are only two of the most common sink threats. Stained sinks can also become a real annoyance. To fix this, you can hire a professional cleaning service.

Urinal Pot

If you continue to use the urinal pot without cleaning it on a daily basis, you are at risk of contracting bacterial and viral infections. If you don’t want to get such infections, make sure your toilet is cleaned at least twice a week. 

Shower area cleaning

Shower cleaning

Whenever you enter your shower, you expect to emerge fresh and clean. Yet what happens to all that soap residue and dirt during the shower?

Often, it lands on the surfaces of your shower, attracting mildew spores, bacteria, and even more grime. That is when your shower needs a thorough cleaning.


All cleaning applicable with water-based chemicals 

There are two general types of cleaning agents used in the industry: solvent-based cleaning agents and water-based cleaning agents.

An industrial cleaner’s active ingredients are thoroughly dispersed in a solution created with a water base, much like a solvent base. You can compare the following four benefits of water-based cleaners with the potential benefits offered by solvent-based cleaners if you’re trying to decide whether to use a solvent-based or a water-based cleaner.

Cost Savings

Fewer Harmful Ingredients

High Flashpoint

Less Regulatory Concern


We all know that deep cleaning is an essential part of our routine and we should be doing it on a regular basis in order to keep our homes and offices neat and tidy.

The market offers a wide range of cleaning services, but when you hire one, you should be very careful. Be sure to check the checklists provided by the service providers before hiring them for deep cleaning. For the deep cleaning service, you can book an appointment with us or request a free quote.

Written By:
Subodh Tayde.

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